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Old South Haven Storm Water Improvements - South Haven, IN

The Old South Haven Storm Water Improvement project was a joint venture between Porter County and the US Army Corps of Engineers.  This project was the second phase of construction to improve the storm water drainage issues that were present in South Haven.  On this particular phase of the project, we were the general contractor and completed the following:


-  Removal and Re-Construction of approx. 900 Lineal Feet of Midway Dr.

-  Removal and Re-Construction of approx. 220 Lineal Fee of McCool Rd.

-  1,070 Lineal Feet of 54" Storm Sewer Pipe

-  270 Lineal Feet of 15" Storm Sewer Pipe

-  10 Storm Sewer Structures, Ranging from 10' in diameter to 4' diameter

-  Re-Profile approx. 800 Lineal Feet of ditch along McCool Rd.

-  Install nearly 2,000 square feet of Flexamat Articulating Concrete Erosion Block in the newly shaped ditch


We successfully completed the project in August of 2021, several months ahead of schedule.

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